Saturday, January 19, 2008

my flea market day

It's been a long day. We're both quite tired. We spent the day trying to sell jewelry at the flea market and it was mediocre. However, we are still optimistic that next week will be better. On our way home this afternoon, we saw signs for a big craft show only a few miles from the flea market and today was the start of a big state fair not far away -- so people had some major options to choose. This was my first of 6 weeks. Apparently, I should have started last week -- other vendors praised it as the best week of this season (from fall to spring). The day wasn't a total loss -- I connected with a customer who has a friend getting married. She felt this friend would LOVE my jewelry and be very interested in buying for her wedding party. Several other people asked if I would be vending again and indicated that they would be back. So we still hope for some good weeks ahead.

As I was sitting there, waiting for something to happen, I also came up with an idea for a new style of earrings -- so in the next few days, I'll be working on it. I have several different lines of jewelry styles, including one I call "Big Band Baubles" which use names of songs popular in the 30's, 40's and 50's. My daughter recently suggested the song "Sway" (shortly after she suggested it, it popped up on a commercial with Antonio Banderas...yummm) -- this new style would be perfect to go with that name! So I'm excited at the prospect! She's anxious to see what I do with the name, too. Note to self -- I should also plan some occasional time to just sit and think. I don't get time to do that very often, but if it's going to result in new styles, it's worth working into my schedule. Normally, the creative ideas bounce around my head as I'm trying to go to sleep or when I'm doing something "mindless", like doing dishes (which does not require a great deal of focus or concentration).

And the chicken? It's still floating around the area, although it's branching out and finding other yards to play in. What's a girl to do? I'm thinking ..... BBQ!