Saturday, April 12, 2008

One Year Ago, part 2

Today is a major anniversary for me! It marks 1 year since my second surgery (read my post of Feb 25) and I'm getting better all the time. The second surgery was considerably tougher on me and recovery has been slow, but I have been enjoying noticeable improvements, even these past few weeks. I sang special music in church last Sunday morning -- my voice was the strongest it has been for a year! It's getting to be uncommon to forget or lose things and my concentration is getting better. It's been wonderful to feel "good"!

My jewelry business is starting to pick up a little too! My Etsy shop is getting a little more visibility -- I've gotten 12 "hearts" (which are given by people who like and want to remember my shop) since the beginning of the month. I sold 4 pairs of earrings last week on Etsy and I'm signed up to participate in a cool craft show next Friday night. The show is part of a "neighborhood block party"
called WestFest in a very nice development in our area. There is also going to be a concert (Gary Puckett) and it sounds like a fun event! I'm excited at the prospect!! Today, I've been cleaning my jewelry and re-organizing, getting ready.

When WestFest is done, I will be focusing on getting ready to move -- we'll be heading to our next project in WI in early May. I look forward to going north -- we'll be a lot closer to family and friends. But I have to admit, the prospect of winter in WI in a trailer isn't rocking my world! But that's ok. With last winter in upstate NY and next winter in WI, I've been viewing this winter in FL as the center of the Oreo ... the treat in the middle! :)

So life is good .... BUSY, but good! And we are blessed!